Saturday, March 31, 2007

GET (Graded Exercise Test)

I Gave Up

I am not sure exactly what happened, but I think I just gave up on the test. The legs, lungs, and mind were all ready to go, at least the morning of the test, but when it came time to crank out the power I just didn't push through. For those that don't know what a graded exercise test is, it is a means to measure your performance and is useful for future comparison. The test procedure is given below.

After a sufficient warm-up the rider rides at set speeds for 1 minute intervals. The speeds correspond to 20 watt increments in power starting at 100 watts. During the test the riders speed (power) is recorded along with the heart rate. After the test is completed the data is plotted with the heart rate on the y-axis and the power on the x-axis. Increased fitness is indicated by a reduction in slope (higher power at lower HR). In addition the ultimate power that can be delivered should also increase.

I have now completed 3 separate GETs. The results are summarized below.

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