Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A2 (Hill Sprints)

Outside (One Word Cold!)
Since I switched Tuesdays and Wednesdays workouts, today it was time to perform hill sprints outside. I think I underestimated the temperature. After yesterdays record breaking 66 deg today was a chilly 36 deg at noon. I obviously did not dress warm enough for the weather. I chose my half-finger gloves and that was a big mistake, my finger were froze instantly. Although I was uncomfortable during the entire ride, I was able to focus and complete 7 of 8 hill sprints. Living in this part of the country it is difficult to find decent hills, but the sprints only last 15-25 seconds so that was not a problem. The hill I chose was a nice 10 minute ride from work and by that time the legs were warm, but nothing else was. As I completed each sprint I could feel the power in my legs starting to diminish and by the last one I was definitely tired. That is not to say that I couldn't have done a couple more, but it was a good workout and now it is time to let the legs recover.

Time: 1 Hour
Power: CP 0.2 (Max Power)
# Sprints: 7
Sprint Duration: 10-20 seconds

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