Sunday, January 6, 2008

E2 (Endurance Ride)

The first long ride of the season. To combat the boredom, I set up the laptop with a few DVDs and my MP3 player. Unfortunately my PC was giving me fits and didn't want to read the DVD I was trying to play. Therefore, I turned on the MP3s and watched a slide show of pictures taken during last race season. I was expecting the legs to be a little heavy from the 2 hour ride on Saturday, but they felt really good. I was trying to maintain just under 18 mph for the ride. The pace was comfortable and at no time did I feel out of breath or that the legs were stating to burn. At the 1 hour mark I started doing 2 minute standing intervals in my biggest/smallest (42/11) ring combination. I did this every 20 minutes to stretch the legs and get the blood flowing to all the muscles. The legs were fairly tired by the end of the workout, but not wasted. This week starts week 2 of Base 1 with slightly longer rides throughout.

Happy Training!

Ride Summary
Ride Duration: 3:01:17
Gearing 42/14
Total Distance: 53.3miles
Average Speed: 17.7 mph
Average Power: 202watts
Average Heart Rate: 148 bpm

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