Wednesday, May 30, 2007

E2 (Endurance Ride)

Finnally I got to bed early enough so I could actually get out of bed by 5:00 AM to go for a decent length ride. As usual Andrea was up and ready to go for her ride by 5 hoping to be back by 6:30. My ride was scheduled for 2 hours, but since I wasn't able to get on the bike until 15 min past 5 it was going to be a little short, Oh well! The legs felt really good and even on the warm-up I was cruzing along at nearly 18 mph. I decided to head north on Hwy 15 because that is the way Andrea typically rides and I thought I could catch her before she turns around. Unfortunately, she rides too fast and about 35 minutes into my ride she passed me heading south on her way home. I quickly turned around to ride with her for a while, but it took a good effort to catch back up with her. Heading back into the wind up a decent hill she was clipping along at nearly 18 mph, impressive! We rode together for the next 10 minutes or so until we hit CR 18 when I turned right to complete my typical 1.5 hour loop. Heading west on 18 I was pushing a slight cross wind, but by the time I turned onto 22 the wind had shifted slightly and I was pushing less of a headwind, nice for a change. As I headed back on 7 towards Hutchinson I was cruzing along at nearly 21 mph.

Ride Details
Time: 1:43:00
Distance: 34.?
Ave Speed: 17.7
Ave HR: 150

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